11 September 2006

Anna Nicole's Saga...

Okay, I am no fan of Anna Nicole Smith, though her stupid TV show was actually entertaining sometimes (if you like watching train wrecks). But GEEZ, to have a baby and three days later lose your older child, now that's just not okay no matter who you are. I don't care how her son died, really, whether it was suicide or drugs or natural causes...the fact is that a mother lost a son during an otherwise hugely happy (and hormonal) time in her life...I hope she can hold it together, for the sake of the baby. Too sad.

Oh, and I HOPE that the father of Anna's baby isn't a) Howard K Stern or b) related to her by any manner of weird hillbilly blood-lineage. Have you SEEN her relatives???? Yikes. There's that one cousin with no teeth and a tattoo of Anna Nicole on her arm...a TATTOO of her own COUSIN...too classy. LOL

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