15 December 2008


From today's BG News:

4:10 P.M.
Andrew Furgeson, 21, of Bowling Green, was arrested for inducing panic after threatening to burn his apartment down because no one would clean his stove.

Someone call the WAh-mbulance, Mister Clean is having a hissy fit!

My stove is always a nightmare. Does this mean something? Should I run into the street and start screaming "CLEAN MY F*CKING STOVE OR YOU'RE DEAD!!!"? It would be a nice way to relieve some stress, like an OCD primal yell, and I might even end up with a sparkling oven.

On brighter note, I got my camera working again and ALL IS GOOD. It's too cold to take pictures today, though. It's DAMN cold. Minus 18 last night, and -8 right now. WTF.

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